As a homeowner in Surprise, AZ, your responsibility is to protect your property from termites, especially with the warm, moist weather. However, a termite infestation can be hard to detect since termites stay hidden in walls, cavities, and under floors.
The best way to determine whether you have a termite infestation is to hire an inspector. Here are four questions to ask your termite inspector when they visit your home in Surprise, AZ.
1. What attracts termites to my house?
Knowing what attracts termites to your home can help you prevent their infestation in the future. For example, cellulose materials and moist areas attract termites to your property. Luckily, a termite inspector can help you identify the root cause of the breeding and infestation.
2. How does the inspection process work?
Don’t hesitate to ask your termite inspector about the entire inspection process as this gives you an insight of what it involves. Generally, the inspection process marks the beginning of your home pest control services.
Once your inspector correctly identifies termite infestations, they can select the right treatment method or product for your home. Only a professional termite inspector can provide you with the correct diagnosis for your home.
3. What are the costs for termite inspections and treatments?
It’s vital to ask about the costs upfront to know how much you need to pay. A reliable termite inspector will explain to you all the expenses involved in the inspection process. Some termite inspectors also offer free inspections.
4. What can I expect before and after termite treatment?
Many homeowners jump right into termite treatment, without knowing what they should expect. For instance, is the treatment safe? Do you need to leave your home after the treatment? How long does it take to kill the termites? Do the termites come back after treatment?
Asking these questions ensures you’re well prepared for your termite treatment.
Need a termite inspector?
It’s wise to hire an experienced termite inspector to diagnose a termite infestation in your home in Surprise, AZ. Contact our team at ACTION Termite & Pest Control today for a free inspection.