If you own a home in Arizona, you get to enjoy some of the most temperate climate available. However, many pests that can cause a disruptive infestation in your home also like the warmer weather. There are some pests that can come all year long, but the dry heat in Arizona makes some of them particularly bad in the summer months. These are the pests you should be on the lookout for in summer in Arizona.
1. Scorpions
Though it feeds on smaller insects and can provide sufficient pest control of its own, this natural pest is infamous for its poisonous sting that can also be quite painful. Though it is uncommon for a scorpion sting to result in death, that is not a chance that you want to take. When you hire a professional scorpion removal service, you can be guaranteed of ensuring safety for you and your loved ones.
2. Bees and Wasps
Though both can provide a painful and potentially hazardous sting, the bee is known to be more comfortable around humans. However, a wasp is the more dangerous of the two. If you see evidence that wasps have set up camp in or around your home, protect your safety and that of the people around you by having a professional bee removal company like ours come out and clear it away.
3. Cockroaches
Few things have the power to fill us with such despair as seeing a cluster of cockroaches scatter when the kitchen lights come on. Many people think that a cockroach infestation can be treated by simply keeping things clean, but a better way to protect yourself from this horror is calling a professional pest control service that is local to Arizona and can provide exactly the services that you need. Once the root problem is eliminated your maintenance will become much easier.