You protect your finances with liability insurance, employ the best of the best, and hire a top-notch accountant to keep your budget in order. But if you aren’t protecting your business from pests, you could be endangering your customers, employees and assets. Find out why quality pest control services are a must for Phoenix-area companies.
Protect Your People with Commercial Pest Control
Pests present many hazards to the people who work at or visit your place of business. Cockroaches trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks in those with respiratory issues or allergies. Bees, wasps and hornets can cause serious or even fatal illness in those allergic to their stings. Commercial pest control plans keep these dangerous pests at bay.
Safeguard Your Reputation
In addition to harming customers, clients and staff, pests can seriously impact your company’s reputation. From hotels battling bed bugs to stores or offices dealing with mouse or rat sightings, most businesses can’t afford to put their good names at risk. An abundance of social media platforms and review sites complicates things further. In the past, business owners simply hoped that customers wouldn’t tell a friend or neighbor about a pest sighting. Now, such information can spread like wildfire to a local, national or even global audience.
Pest-Proof Physical Assets
Insects and rodents even jeopardize inventory, supplies, equipment and buildings. From Indian meal moths in stored grains to termites in the walls, pests can inflict costly damage on the things that help you run your business. Squirrels, mice, rats and other rodents are known to chew through almost anything to maintain their continuously growing teeth. Unfortunately, that can include wiring and other building materials; rodents are to blame for countless electrical fires. This danger alone makes protecting your worksite from multi-legged invaders a must.
Avoid bugs, spiders, mice and rats with Phoenix commercial pest control services. ACTION Termite & Pest Control provides the area with safe, effective treatments for homes and businesses. Contact us today for more information or to schedule a free inspection. Call to speak with a friendly team member, or fill out our convenient online form.