Pest Control During Monsoon Season

Scorpion Inspection

Pest Control During Monsoon Season

July 29, 2022

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The monsoon season brings along with it an array of pest issues that can be difficult to handle. The rains often lead to a proliferation of bugs and other pests. Once out of hand, these problems can be difficult to eliminate. But there are some simple steps that you can take to control these problems. Read on for tips on how to control the most common pests during monsoon season.


While the rains of the monsoon season are welcome, there are also several things you can do to protect yourself from the harmful insects. Aside from the discomfort of being bitten by mosquitoes, the monsoon season also means the onset of many diseases, such as malaria. For this reason, mosquito control is extremely important during the monsoon season. While state governments are responsible for pest control during the monsoon season, individuals also need to be proactive in protecting themselves from mosquito larvae.


To avoid cockroach infestation during monsoon season, keep your home free of food and water sources. You can reduce the number of cockroaches by keeping garbage cans and pet food cans tightly sealed and out of reach. Also, make sure to empty trash cans often, as they provide a hiding place for roaches. Tightly fitting trash can lids are another way to prevent cockroaches.


When the rains begin, ants swarm and enter homes. Often, they will enter through holes, cracks, and crevices. They will find food and shelter in your home and can quickly become a nuisance. The best way to prevent infestation is to prevent this behavior by taking simple precautions before the monsoon season. Listed below are some of the best methods for preventing pests during monsoon season.


Monsoon season brings with it a variety of pests that are hard to keep under control. Mosquitoes, spiders, and other types of bugs can cause health issues, and these creatures can spread various diseases. Therefore, it is important to protect your home and family from these pests. Listed below are some ways to avoid these pests. Taking action to protect your home will help you avoid these pests and keep your family safe during the monsoon season.

Mosquito netting

Despite the fact that the vast majority of malaria cases occur in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, the disease is not something Americans should ignore. The World Health Organization estimates that 214 million people worldwide contracted malaria in 2015, resulting in 438,000 deaths. Mosquito netting is one of the most important tools in the fight against mosquito-borne diseases, and it can be hung over windows and doors to keep out the pesky insects. Mosquitoes carry several deadly diseases, so keeping your house mosquito-netted is an important part of protecting yourself.

Planting tulsi basil

Holy basil has the advantage of being drought-tolerant, but does not grow well in standing water. As a result, it should be planted in a soil that drains well. Planting tulsi basil in a container with drainage holes is a good idea, but it is best not to transplant it until the last frost has passed. It should also be sheltered from high winds to avoid frost damage.

Essential oils

In order to use essential oils as a pest control solution, you must select the right one. You can choose from the following three methods. Spraying is a good option for outdoor pest control. To use essential oils in spray form, you need to dilute the oil with water and pour it in a spray bottle. Shake the spray bottle frequently. Then, spray the affected areas. Do not forget to wash off the treated area after applying the essential oil.

If you need help with any of these pests in the Arizona area contact ACTION Termite & Pest Control

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