What to Look for when Hiring a Termite Inspector in Peoria, AZ

What to Look for when Hiring a Termite Inspector in Peoria, AZ

June 5, 2020

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Termites are pretty nasty insects that can cause extensive damage to your house. They tend to dominate temperate regions, such as Peoria, AZ and surrounding cities in Arizona. The quickly approaching summer season should prompt you to take the appropriate measures targeting controlling termites in your compound. One such step you can take is considering hiring a termite inspector in your home. When doing so, here are some of the factors to consider.

The Termite inspector’s location

Hiring local termite inspectors is always recommended since such persons have a thorough understanding of the area. Checking the local business directory for termite inspectors is a good place to start off your search. You may even opt to call their offices to inquire if the termite inspectors have practiced in the area before.

Proven track record getting rid of Termites

When hiring a qualified termite inspector, it is highly recommended to consider working with persons who have substantial experience. Checking the inspector’s history of works done allows you to verify their credibility. This can be done by checking their social media platforms and even their website for previous customer reviews and ratings.

Cost of Termite inspection

Before settling for a given termite inspector, it is important to do some due diligence as regards the inspector’s charges. In most cases, the inspector will charge you depending on the scope of work, the proximity of your home, and the extent of termite infestation in your home. It is generally recommended to obtain quotes from multiple termite inspectors and go for the one who charges a favorable fee.

The termite inspector’s availability

Sometimes, homeowners in Peoria, AZ tend to delay calling in a termite inspector until it is too late and the damage is already extensive. At other times, a termite inspector may delay performing the inspection and damage control in the house. When hiring a termite inspector in Peoria, AZ, it is important to have the work done within the shortest time possible. A good inspector will generally get inspecting your house in good time before your house sustains too much termite damage.

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We are a family owned & operated pest control company located in Phoenix, AZ. Serving Arizona since 1969, we have built a reputation for delivering the highest level of client service in the industry and have an all-star team of pest industry professionals that provide thousands of treatments each year. Our team of experts provide both residential and commercial services across the entire Valley. From recurring pest services that treat over 50 types of insects to industry leading termite treatment solutions, you can count on us to provide a solution that is safe, effective, and tailored to your specific pest control needs.