Termites can do extensive damage to a home, so it’s important to take steps to prevent their invasion. Using effective pesticides to kill these insects is essential. The first step is to identify their entry points and eliminate them. Once they have identified these, they will start to search for new entrances, so it’s important to get rid of them as quickly as possible. In some cases, the damage done by termites is permanent, but it can be remedied by the use of various pest control methods.
The traditional method of termite control involves the application of liquid termiticide under a building. This substance can be repellent or lethal, depending on the type. Liquids are often invasive, so a professional must inject them through the concrete foundation. Another method involves bait termites, which feed on small bits of material that have been buried underground. These ants then ingest the insecticide and take it back to their colony.
Another effective way to prevent termites is through the application of direct chemicals, such as Termidor Foam. This substance is sprayed inside a home and expands when the termites use it to enter. The toxic chemical is absorbed by the termites, who then take it back to their colony. This process takes about a month to work, and is safe for children and pregnant women. However, it is recommended to remove the furniture and other materials from the home before the application.
If you need help with a termite inspection or termite control in the Phoenix, AZ metro area contact ACTION Termite & Pest Control for help